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Positions on the ISGA Board 

To apply for any board position please click this link 


The president is responsible for the leadership, direction and coordination of the Association's activities. They are required to chair meetings, represent the organisation at public events, maintain and establish connections with relevant third parties, oversee all operations and development of strategic plans to ensure we are meeting our organisational goals, allocate responsibilities in collaboration with the board, and prepare the AGM agenda.

Vice President

The vice president shares presidential responsibility and helps coordinate the activities of the organisation. They are required to act as chair and organisational representative if the president is unavailable or in conjunction with them as required. They will assist the president in deciding which matters will be dealt with by the officeholders, general board members, and/or any subcommittees, as well as assisting the president with strategies and plans for the Alliance.


The secretary is responsible for effective maintenance and management of records of the organisation and to assist the president to perform operational duties. They are required to ensure that records are maintained as directed by law, including maintaining the register of members, and to make them available when required by authorised persons. They are required to give notification of meetings, develop and distribute an agenda prior to meetings (in consultation with board members), manage written minutes and distribute to members in a timely manner. They will manage general incoming and outgoing correspondence. They will assist with strategic plans to achieve the goals of the Alliance.


The treasurer is responsible for all incoming and outgoing finances of the Association. 
They are required to prepare an annual budget in consultation with the board. They are required to issue receipts on behalf of the organisation and maintain an accurate record of all receipts and expenditure. All officeholders (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) will be bank signatories with any two required to sign for financial transactions - the treasurer will coordinate signatories to meet as required to process transactions. The treasurer will prepare and present a written financial statement for each board meeting and the Annual General Meeting. They will also assist with strategic plans to achieve the goals of the Alliance.

General Board Members

General board members work with the president and other officeholders to contribute to organisational planning and delivery of the goals of the Association. General members may assist in any area and are encouraged to select portfolio/s they are interested in (below). 

There are six general board member positions. 

Any board member may hold any two positions on the board, excluding being both president and vice president. 

Portfolios Available

Education & Training:

The education and training officer will lead the organisation, development, and delivery of our professional health education programs. Our program currently consists of a yearly GP education series and the multidisciplinary Clinical Network for Trans & Gender Diverse Care, meeting two monthly. This role will be best suited to a clinician and/or educator with experience in trans and gender diverse healthcare. 

Media, Policy & Advocacy: 

The media, policy and advocacy officer will lead media activities as well as the development of organisational policy and advocacy statements. 

Youth Engagement: 

The youth engagement officer will be responsible for outreach and engagement with relevant youth organisations, schools, and groups. 

Sponsorship & Fundraising: 

The sponsorship and fundraising officer will lead our fundraising efforts and aim to engage external sponsorship opportunities. This will largely focus around the festival, but can also include sponsorship for medical education events and general charity work. Experience with fundraising and/or grant writing would be valuable. 

TAFFI Festival Convenor: 

The Trans & Friends Festival Convenor will be responsible for the overall running of the festival to be held November 2024. They will chair the organising committee, be responsible for allocation and monitoring of tasks, and liaise with relevant stakeholders e.g. UOW Ally Network, Pulse, Facilities, Media & Communications, and any other partners or sponsors. 

Position Statements: Services
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